Bulk Container Express



Plastic Pallets

Plastic pallets are used globally by various industries , including food and beverage , automotive , and pharmaceutical companies. Plastic pallets are quickly becoming a sustainable solution for many companies because they are durable, cost-effective, and eco-friendly, unlike one-time-use packaging like wooden pallets and cardboard. Plastic pallets are also safe and sanitary because of their non-porous surfaces.

Benefits Include:

  • Durability - Designed to handle heavier loads repeatedly, unlike wooden pallets that can splinter or break.
  • Sustainable - Can be used hundreds of times compared to the limited uses of wooden pallets.
  • Cost-effective - Will reduce freight and load weights; can be stacked or nested efficiently for ease of return shipping and storage.
  • Safety - Will not splinter or decay, unlike wooden pallets.
  • Sanitary - Are nonporous and easy to clean and disinfect; will not absorb moisture or grow bacteria or mold.


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